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基于黄花红砂与五柱红砂的现有分布数据,利用地理信息系统(ArcGIS)技术与最大熵(MaxEnt)模型软件,对2种红砂属植物在3个时期的潜在适宜分布区进行模拟。结果表明:1)五柱红砂的潜在适宜分布区主要在青海地区、新疆南疆地区以及甘肃部分地区;黄花红砂的潜在适宜分布区主要集中在宁夏地区、内蒙古地区、甘肃地区以及新疆与青海部分地区。2种红砂属植物在3个时期的潜在适宜分布区有所增加。黄花红砂的潜在适宜区朝着东北方向移动,五柱红砂的潜在适宜区出现收缩现象。2种红砂属的低适宜区相比较高适宜区与较适宜区变化较大。2)黄花红砂与五柱红砂通过MaxEnt模型运算出的AUC值均>0.9,表明MaxEnt模型预测精度很高。可以用于2种红砂属植物的潜在适宜分布区的预测。3)控制黄花红砂潜在分布的关键环境变量为最湿月降水量、最暖季度降水量和最湿季度降水量,影响五柱红砂潜在分布的关键环境变量为海拔、等温性和温度季节性变化。上述研究结果对2种红砂属植物资源保护利用与未来分布趋势提供了重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
为筛选适宜甘肃高寒牧区的箭筈豌豆与黑麦混播组合及比例,采用裂区设计,研究了3个箭筈豌豆品种(绿箭1号、绿箭2号和绿箭431)与黑麦新品系C33在不同混播比例(0∶100、20∶80、30∶70、40∶60、50∶50、60∶40、70∶30、80∶20、100∶0)下的生产性能及营养品质。结果表明,从混播组合看,A?(C33×绿箭1号)的平均干草产量(7.16 t·hm-2)和综合评价值(0.860)较高;从混播比例看,B?(60∶40)的平均干草产量(8.01 t·hm-2)和综合评价值(0.691)最高;混播组合和混播比例间的交互作用表明,A?以B?比例混播时干草产量(9.03 t·hm-2)和综合评价值(0.711)最高。  相似文献   
Two kinds of corn were used as materials,changes of SOD,CAT,POD and MDA Contents after Germination of maize seeds in five different concentrations of manganese sulphate were studied.The results show that the content of MDA was significantly different among different varieties,difference was very significant compared with control.The activities of antioxidant enzymes of HuangJinNuo 1 first increased then decreased after treated with manganese sulfate,while that of YinLong BaiYuNou continuous elevation,the resistance of Maize after manganese sulphate increased during germination.  相似文献   
内蒙古平原灌区“春麦冬播”种植效应及品种适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对内蒙古春播小麦生育期短、干热风、高温逼熟等因素制约产量提高,且收获后光温资源极大浪费的现状,以及试种冬小麦发现的冬季冻害、春季干旱或“倒春寒”影响返青率及前茬限制等问题,本研究以“春麦冬播”种植模式为切入点,采用不同春化类型小麦品种,通过连续2年的田间试验,系统研究了不同小麦品种越冬出苗、叶片生理、根系性状及产量形成的差异,以期筛选适宜冬播的小麦品种。结果表明:供试的全部春性小麦品种及部分冬性品种可以以种子形式完成春化作用,第2年正常抽穗成熟。冬播条件下春季田间出苗率较春播小麦有所降低,但根系发达,对低温及干旱的适应性强。通过系统聚类筛选出适宜内蒙古平原灌区冬播的3个小麦品种,包括春性品种永良4号、冬性品种宁冬11号和半冬性品种河农7106,其共同特征为越冬出苗率高、抗逆性强、根系发达、产量表现较高,其中永良4号产量可达到与春播相同的水平。  相似文献   
为探究毛竹的潜在分布及其动态变化,并确定对其分布起主导作用的环境变量,文章基于MaxEnt预测模型,利用环境变量图层及316个毛竹分布点数据研究毛竹地理分布的变化。结果显示:1)限制毛竹分布的主要环境变量为最干月降水量、年均降水量、最冷月最低温、年平均温、温度年较差和海拔;2)当前毛竹的潜在适生区主要位于中国东南部,与亚热带季风气候区大致重叠,高适生区主要位于总适生区的东部和西北部;3)在未来气候情景下,毛竹总适生区面积有所缩减,各不同等级适生区面积变化大,其中高适生区面积大幅度缩减。研究获得的毛竹适生区变化趋势可为毛竹培育、引种以及入侵防治提供参考。  相似文献   
  1. Most MPA networks are designed only with ecological processes in mind to increase their conservation utility. However, since MPA networks often involve large geographic areas, they also affect and involve multiple actors, institutions, and policy sectors.
  2. A key challenge when establishing an effective MPA network is to align the ‘social system’ with the biophysical MPA network (the ‘ecological system’). This challenge is often denoted as ‘social–ecological fit’.
  3. Facilitating collaborative social interactions among various actors and stakeholders (social connectivity) is equally as important as accomplishing ecological connectivity. New analytical approaches are required to effectively examine this ‘social’ dimension of fit.
  4. An emerging marine reserve network in Jamaica and the recent invasion of Indo‐Pacific lionfish are used as a case study to: (1) examine the extent to which horizontal and vertical social ties bring local and national actors together to collaborate, coordinate, and share knowledge; and (2) assess the extent to which different attributes and features of such multilevel social networks may enhance or inhibit particular aspects of social–ecological fit.
  5. Findings suggest that multilevel linkages have played the greatest role in relation to enhancing fit in the marine reserve network in the context of the recent lionfish invasion. However, the long‐term propensity of the multi‐actor and multilevel networks to enhance social–ecological fit is uncertain given the prevalence of weak social ties, lack of a culture of information sharing and collaboration, and limited financial resources.
大兴安岭北部林区森林防火基础设施建设项目是建国后国家一次性用于国有林区森林防火投资最大的基础设施建设工程。介绍了该项目建设的基本情况,总结了主要建设成效,分析了存在问题,提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   
在分析兰州市高海拔地区自然条件的基础上,有针对性地提出了高海拔旱作区娃娃菜栽培技术,以供参考。  相似文献   
The molecular mechanism to control the oxidative burst exerted by Mn accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants, grown in hydroponics containing 0.5, 2 and 8 mg l–1 Mn and irradiated with a total biological effective UV‐B irradiation of 20.825 kJ m?2, was investigated in the chloroplasts at the 15th and 21st days after germination. In both experimental periods, Mn accumulation kinetics in the leaves and in the chloroplast lamellae displayed overall increases. Coupled to higher membrane selectivity, superoxide production and acyl lipids peroxidation in the thylakoids decreased, prompting upper rates of the Hill and Mehler reactions. Connected to UV‐B irradiation, higher accumulated Mn in thylakoids was found to be chelated in a 36.5 kDa protein, with Mn/protein ratio of about 1 and high content of Gln, Asp, Glu, Leu and Gly, being its EPR spectrum characteristic of high‐spin Mn(II), in a S = 5/2 ground state. As this protein exhibited enzymatic catalysis of superoxide dismutation, it was concluded that, under UV‐B irradiation, the high internal tolerance of Oryza sativa L. to Mn during the vegetative growth also triggers the synthesis of a manganese protein that mimics superoxide dismutase functioning, therefore furnishing an additional intimate protection against oxidative stress.  相似文献   
左右岸省界缓冲区作为协调省际间用水关系的重要水域,其水质达标评价及污染责任划分是流域限制纳污红线制度实施的重要内容。从左右岸省界缓冲区的相关概念出发,根据省份的位置关系将其分为缓冲区完全在两省省界上、缓冲区部分在两省省界上以及缓冲区在多省交界上三种情形,并结合左右岸省界缓冲区特点确定调整浓度核算法、代表断面判断法、限制排污总量-污染物入河量评估法等水质达标评价方法,以判断左右岸省份缓冲区的水质达标情况,从而划分缓冲区左右岸省份的污染责任。实例验证模拟显示,确定的方法切实可行,研究方法可为流域污染责任划分提供技术支撑,从而促进限制纳污制度的顺利实施。  相似文献   
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